09 June 2011

Good times

So yesterday was a nice day. Ran some errands with my little man, then when he fell asleep in the car I drove to Terrigal as usual with a book & an eye to the sea. Finally got to watch some whales in their annual  migration up the coast - I had forgotten exactly how exciting that is for me. Just the distant mist of their spout calms my soul for some odd reason & if I get to see a tail or a fin splash, I am tickled pink. At one point I was reading my book but a humpback splashed so big that I actually saw it out of the corner of my eye so I got to watch it breech a few times & splash around for a good minute or so before going under for her sounding dive. Few things in nature make me as happy as a whale on the horizon!

Then on the exact opposite extreme of what delights me, last night was another Chicks at the Flicks. Watching Bridesmaids with an awesome group of ladies was the perfect end to the day. I can honestly say that it is the funniest movie I've seen in aaaaages ... dare I say ever! I think we all agreed that that we would have been happy to sit through it again immediately had they given us the option. I never buy movies on DVD but I shall be investing in this one - hysterical & gorgeous, well done ladies. Here is where I stop myself from talking about how great of friends Kristen Wiig & I could be because that's creepy.

Go see this movie now.
You won't regret it.
Call me, Kristen Wiig - we'd be awesome together. 
And true to the Chicks at the Flicks experience (now that I'm an expert after going to TWO of them), they had a lovely bag of goodies with snacks, a magazine, lip gloss, etc. Plus they kept the wedding theme going with vendors providing cupcakes, cake pops, mini cupcakes & other things that weren't cake related but I had no use for those. They gave away door prizes & somehow I got beaned by a bouquet of flowers that I brought home & still need to put in some water. Good times, good times. I need to start working on a costume for the next CATF, which is the Grease sing a long! I am envisioning an entire theater full of pink ladies. Hmmm, I guess I'll be a very pregnant pink lady - I wonder if I could get Olivia Newton John's tiny pants to stretttttttch over my swollen ass. Nevermind.

All else is well. Today we are home all day because I am in a spending frenzy this week - can not restrain from buying things. Trying to turn that into a cleaning frenzy instead while we're indoors but it's not quite translating. I would settle for a cooking frenzy but that ain't happening either. May have to venture out for some groceries but am trying to even put that off until tomorrow morning for absolutely no good reason. Ben is napping after a fairly minimal struggle. He had a tick on his head this morning, by the way! We had a picnic by Lake Macquarie last weekend so now I have visions of this damn tick wandering around Ben for the last several days before making its way to his noggin today. I got it out with no drama & am pretty certain I got its ding dang head intact but will be keeping an eye on the spot just in case. And yes, I've followed up with a very thorough check of all those little hidden crevices, my apologies to Ben.

He may be stirring as we speak so I'm off to do some last minute cleaning that is hard to do when he's up & about. Enjoy your Thursday or Wednesday or whatever it is where you are.


  1. Ash, you are right, dare we say the funniest movie ever?! Whatever it was, it was bloody hysterical and I could watch it again right now! Have been meaning to call all week since we went (the road to hell is paved specifically with MY good intentions) and apologise for not getting a chance to sit down and have a chinwag before we went in :( I was a little, alright A LOT distracted with not getting in to start with! Thank goodness for the lady in the taffeta frock who allowed the power to go to her head and issue Tish & I with some sacred tickets near the wine exhibitors :) Anyhoo, next time we shall book online NO MATTER WHAT! Nicx

  2. No problem - I was stressed that you guys weren't going to get in too! Not enough to offer up my own ticket or anything, mind you. And I was too busy stuffing my face with popcorn, cupcakes, cake pops & whatever else they were offering up to actually hold a conversation anyway.
